What is a Microsite?


A microsite is a small, standalone website often used to promote a specific product, service, campaign, or event. They typically have their own unique domain name or subdomain, providing information or resources that are specific to the product or campaign that is being promoted. These websites can also be used to create a targeted user experience for a report or brochure. Microsites can be designed for specific audiences or groups and can be used to increase website traffic and drive conversions, as well as to enhance brand awareness and engagement.

Ideas for microsite content:

  • Customer testimonials or case studies

  • Product or service showcases

  • How-to guides or tutorials

  • Event promotions or information

  • Infographics or data visualizations

  • Downloadable resources or whitepapers

  • Annual reports

  • Impact or sustainability reports and dashboards

Providing content in a digital format such as a microsite allows for easy access and sharing of information. Content can be easily viewed on a variety of devices, including computers and mobile devices, and can be easily shared via email or social media. Additionally, digital content can be more environmentally friendly than traditional print materials.


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