About Inform Solutions

I launched Inform Solutions in 2016 with a clear purpose: to offer outsourced creative services to early-stage companies pioneering innovative products and services. We focus on delivering brand clarity and helping bridge the gap between complex technical concepts and accessible, compelling communications. We're dedicated to simplifying the journey for companies that are pushing the boundaries and working towards making the world a better place. Our approach focuses on aligning your brand strategy with your stakeholders’ priorities without losing sight of your unique vision.

Whether you're gearing up for funding rounds or product launches, we're here to be your trusted partner in enhancing your brand and communications.

Heidi Brown, Principal
Inform Solutions

At Inform Solutions, our mission is to clearly communicate and amplify the impact of innovators while actively contributing to a better future for our planet and society. We support companies that drive positive change as we seek to do the same through sustainable business practices and our annual commitment to support environmental causes.*

*Through our client work and publishing activities, our goal is to advance three of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3), Quality Education (SDG 4), and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9). Through our charitable activities and business practices, we seek to support SDGs 13 (Climate Action) and 14 (Life Below Water).