Website Design Review: Alnylam® & Intellia®—Best Practices and Takeaways

Practical Insights for Building Biotech and Life Sciences Websites that Connect

When it comes to building a website in the biotech and life sciences sectors, many companies face the challenge of making complex scientific concepts accessible to a wide audience while maintaining a professional aesthetic and communicating credibility and innovation. It can be a tall order.  

Let’s take a look at the homepages of two leaders in the field—Alnylam Pharmaceuticals and Intellia Therapeutics—to break down some effective design strategies, possible refinements for greater impact, and key takeaways for anyone looking to elevate their own site design.

Alnylam® Pharmaceuticals: Strong Focus on Leadership and Technology

Alnylam® Pharmaceuticals website home page


Key Strategies:

  • Hero Section Clarity: Alnylam immediately establishes its credibility with a bold claim in the hero section: “The Leading RNAi Therapeutics Company.” This kind of positioning works well for companies looking to assert market leadership. The supporting images of molecular structures reinforce the high-tech, scientific focus of the company.

  • Clear Hierarchy & User Flow: The homepage is well-organized, with a clear flow from the hero section down to the company’s pipeline, patient stories, and news updates. Each section provides bite-sized content with a focused call to action (CTA) button, making it easy for users to explore.

  • Human Element: While much of the site focuses on technology, Alnylam wisely includes a section with patient testimonials. This personal touch adds warmth and credibility, reminding the audience of the real-world impact of their work.

Opportunities for Enhancement:

  • Text Density: Certain sections feel a bit text-heavy. Refining some of the text to be more concise and adding more visual aids or interactive elements could make it easier for users to digest.

  • Engagement with Innovation: While the site communicates leadership in the RNAi space, there could be more visually engaging elements (e.g., infographics or short animated clips) that explain the science in an accessible way to those less familiar with the technology.

Key Takeaway: Use clear positioning statements and support them with a balance of technical and human elements. While showcasing your innovation, don't forget the importance of connecting with your audience on a personal level.

Intellia Therapeutics®: A People-First Approach

Intellia Therapeutics website home page


Key Strategies:

  • Storytelling Focus: Intellia’s homepage leads with patient stories, making it clear from the outset that their mission is patient-centered. The rotating banner with personal stories is emotionally compelling and helps ground the company’s cutting-edge CRISPR technology in real human experiences.

  • Visual Consistency: The clean, modern aesthetic is carried through every element of the site. Consistent typography, a simple color palette, and strong photography give the site a polished, professional feel.

  • Section Variety: The homepage mixes up different types of content—news updates, mission statement, programs, and recruitment messaging—while maintaining a unified structure. The blend of video, text, and imagery keeps users engaged as they scroll.

Opportunities for Enhancement:

  • Visual Breaks: The design could benefit from adding more whitespace or breathing room between sections. In certain areas, the site feels dense with information, making it harder for users to focus on one key point at a time.

Key Takeaway: Lean into storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience. Ensure that each section offers fresh content to avoid redundancy, and don’t hesitate to use whitespace to guide user attention.

Tips for Building a Biotech or Life Sciences Website

Whether you’re a startup or an established player in the industry, here are a few practical takeaways to consider as you build or refine your website:

  • Lead with Clarity: Clearly define your company’s positioning and focus on making your value proposition obvious from the moment a user lands on your site. Avoid jargon and ensure your messaging is accessible to both industry professionals and laypeople.

  • Use Visuals Strategically: While it’s tempting to lean on text to explain the intricacies of your technology or pipeline, effective visuals—whether images, infographics, or short animations—can simplify complex topics and improve user engagement.

  • Balance Science with Humanity: Life sciences companies often have a lot of technical information to convey. Don’t forget the importance of personal stories and testimonials to demonstrate the real-world impact of your work.

  • Calls to Action Matter: Every section should have a clear purpose, with a well-defined next step for users. Whether it’s learning more about your pipeline or joining your team, ensure that CTAs are prominently placed and encourage engagement.

  • Keep It Dynamic: Biotech and life sciences companies are at the forefront of innovation, so your site should reflect that. Incorporating dynamic elements—like video, interactive graphics, or regularly updated news feeds—can give your site a fresh and cutting-edge feel.

By taking inspiration from sites like Alnylam and Intellia, you can create a life sciences website that not only communicates your scientific rigor but also connects with patients, investors, and collaborators in a meaningful way.


Practical Insights for Building Biotech and Life Sciences Websites that Connect is a blog series that reviews the web strategies of leading life sciences companies. Each post highlights effective design elements, areas for improvement, and key takeaways for anyone looking to build or improve their own website in the biotech and life sciences sector.

Inform Solutions is not affiliated with Alnylam or Intellia. The opinions expressed in this blog post are based on publicly available website content and are intended to provide insights for educational and informational purposes only.


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