From Brand Chaos to Brand Brilliance:
Transform Your Startup's Brand in 4-6 Weeks

Are you a startup founder juggling a million tasks, trying to prepare for funding, launch, and growth? Does your brand feel like a scattered mess of ideas and half-finished assets?

It's time to level up.

Introducing Inform Solutions’ Brand Launchpad Package

In just 4-6 weeks*, we'll take your brand from scattered to spectacular. Our comprehensive Brand Launchpad Package is designed to give you everything you need to present a world-class brand to investors, stakeholders, and customers.

A Structured Process for Tangible Results

Our Brand Launchpad Package follows a rigorous, proven methodology. We bridge the gap between your vision and its real-world application, delivering concrete outputs that set the stage for your success.

By the end of our engagement, you'll have a solid brand foundation that enables you to launch professional, impactful communications that resonate with investors, stakeholders, and customers alike.

With packages starting at $9,995, here's what you'll get:

1. Brand Audit & Alignment

  • Comprehensive analysis of your current brand landscape

  • Identification of key gaps and growth opportunities

  • Strategic action plan to strengthen your brand foundation

2. Brand Evolution

  • Refinement and elevation of your existing brand identity

  • Development of a comprehensive, easy-to-use brand guide

3. Asset Creation & Brand Identity Control Center

  • Creation and compilation of a complete suite of professional brand assets

  • Custom-built centralized hub for seamless access to all brand elements

  • Tailored templates for impactful presentations and essential documents

By setting up your brand fundamentals at the beginning, you set the stage for accountability, consistency, and clarity as your company grows.

Why It Matters

  • Stop juggling brand tasks internally and focus on what you do best - building your company.

  • Present a polished, professional image that builds trust with investors and customers.

  • Translate complex ideas into messaging everyone can understand.

  • Lay a solid brand foundation that scales with your success.

Super helpful in shaping our messaging to a broad audience.
— Richard Pieters, Zymergen
A valuable extension of the HCAP team and various of our portfolio companies for over ten years.
— Tim Bubnack, HCAP Partners
Consistently provides us with great counsel, thoughtful options for us to consider, and top-shelf results.
— Deborah Keller, Chordline


Why Choose Inform Solutions?

✔︎ Extensive experience in startup ecosystems

✔︎ A trusted extension of your team

✔︎ Seamless collaboration to streamline data gathering

✔︎ Maximize your efficiency

✔︎ Timely delivery to meet your crucial deadlines

Ready to Launch Your Brand into the Stratosphere?

Don't let a messy brand hold you back. In just 4-6 weeks*, you'll go from brand confusion to brand confidence. You'll have all the tools you need to communicate your vision, attract investors, and make a lasting impression in your market.

Book your free consultation now:

Limited spots available for Q3 2024 - don't miss out!

Not ready to make the investment? Want to level up on your own? Download your free copy of our Brand Clarity Playbook for Early Stage Startups. Use discount code LetsGo.

Inform Solutions provides outsourced creative services to companies pioneering innovative products and services. Our mission is to clearly communicate and amplify the impact of innovators while actively contributing to a better future for our planet and society. Learn more at

*Final timeline dependent on client responsiveness.