The Landscape of Impact Reporting

2023 Reporting Trends Across Sectors

Published by Inform Solutions
Updated August 8, 2024

Impact reports are more than just corporate paperwork—they're a company's way of showing how it's making the world a better place. These reports aim to shine a light on the good things businesses are doing for society and the environment, going beyond just dollars and cents.

Our report, The Landscape of Impact Reporting: 2023 Reporting Trends Across Sectors, examines the landscape of impact reporting in 2023 by reviewing over 50 randomly selected companies across various industries. We snapshot the design trends, publishing practices, and thematic focuses that characterize these reports. From established corporations with robust ESG frameworks to smaller entities taking their first steps in impact measurement, this analysis provides insights into how businesses are articulating their societal and environmental contributions.

Why? Understanding these trends can spark creativity and inspire your own reporting. Whether you're a sustainability pro or just starting to think about your company's impact, seeing how others are doing it can give you fresh ideas.

Design Trends

Report covers serve as a powerful first impression. Blending design trends with impactful messaging can help engage stakeholders from the outset.

Below are screenshots of the impact reports that we reviewed and analyzed. Here are some key takeaways based on the analysis of this grouping of impact report covers:

Visual Storytelling is Key: Companies are leveraging powerful imagery and design to convey their impact before readers even open the report.

Nature-Centric Themes Dominate: The prevalence of natural imagery underscores a strong focus on environmental sustainability across industries.

Human Element Remains Crucial: Many covers feature people, highlighting the human aspect of impact and social responsibility.

Bold Typography Trends: Large, eye-catching text is being used to immediately communicate key messages or themes.

Color as a Communication Tool: Blues and greens are popular, likely chosen to evoke trust, growth, and environmental consciousness.

Diversity in Approach: While there are common themes, the variety in designs shows companies are striving to differentiate their reports.

Beyond "Impact Report": Some organizations are using creative titles to stand out, moving away from standard terminology.

Global Perspective: Imagery and themes often suggest a global outlook, aligning with worldwide sustainability goals.

Balancing Professionalism and Creativity: Reports range from corporate-style designs to more artistic and emotive approaches.

Brand Integration: Most covers incorporate company branding to maintain brand identity while discussing impact.

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Report Formats & Publishing Trends





of companies published an online report as a PDF only.

published in a digital format as well as PDF.

published as a digital-only format.

A subset of companies chose to publish online using tools like ISSUU, DocSend, and InDesign.





of companies published their report in July 2024.

published in April 2024.

published in May 2024.

The majority of the reports (82.5%) were published between March and July.*

*The data is based on the reports collected through July 2024. As such, this analysis may not capture all 2023 reports published later in the year and does not include any 2024 reports, as the cutoff for data collection was prior to the end of 2024. The findings represent trends observed within the sample available at the time of this report's preparation.

Report Themes

We used a visualization to examine the key topics highlighted in these impact reports. This word cloud offers a visual snapshot of the most frequently mentioned phrases in the report summaries published by each company about their own report. The size of each word reflects how often it appeared in report highlights. By examining this cloud, we can quickly grasp the key themes and priorities that companies are emphasizing in their impact reporting, from environmental concerns to social initiatives.

Standout Design Features

Thoughtful design plays an important role in engaging readers and making complex information digestible. In this section, we highlight design elements that not only capture attention but also enhance understanding.

  • Call-to Action

    MIT Sloan's report effectively engages readers by incorporating consistent call-to-action elements. Each main section features a visually distinct 'Key Takeaway' box, highlighting crucial insights, followed by a clear 'Call to Action'. This design not only summarizes key points but also encourages immediate engagement. The use of contrasting colors and clean typography enhances readability and impact.

  • Timeline

    Vistria's 10-year timeline spread across two pages effectively condenses a decade of impact into an easily digestible format. The timeline's layout, with its mix of text, icons, and imagery, creates a narrative flow that guides the reader through the company's journey. This approach showcases achievements while also illustrating the company's growth and evolution over time.

  • Looking Back & Looking Forward

    Cambium Learning Group's design pairs retrospective analysis with future planning in a single, cohesive layout. This side-by-side presentation of past performance and future goals communicates continuous improvement and forward thinking. The use of contrasting imagery—a photo for the past year and an illustration for the future—visually distinguishes between reflection and aspiration.

  • Scorecards

    Williams-Sonoma's report employs a scorecard design to present key metrics effectively. The scorecard layout allows readers to quickly grasp progress on critical impact areas. By using color-coded bars and clear numerical targets, the design communicates both current achievements and future goals at a glance. This format is particularly effective for showing year-over-year comparisons and progress towards long-term objectives.

  • Video Links

    Elevance Health integrates multimedia elements into its PDF report through video links. The use of a subtle, semi-transparent play icon overlaid on images maintains the report's visual integrity while offering an interactive element. This approach enriches the reader's experience, allowing them to delve deeper into specific topics without disrupting the flow of the report.

  • AI Disclaimer

    The Rockefeller Foundation sets a precedent for transparency by including an explanation of its use of AI in image generation on its report's first page. Such transparency builds trust with readers and demonstrates the foundation's commitment to ethical practices in report preparation. By noting the use of design tools alongside AI, the foundation provides a full picture of the report's production process.

Company Size & Reporting Frameworks

Our analysis included a wide range of organizations, from global corporations to smaller non-profits and everything in between. This diverse sample demonstrates that while larger companies often have more resources to adopt comprehensive frameworks, organizations of all sizes are finding ways to communicate their social and environmental impact effectively. Some of our key observations are as follows:

Organizational Diversity:

31% non-profit
21% financial services
15% retail
13% manufacturing
8% healthcare
6% education/research
6% technology

Size Distribution:

While we didn't categorize each organization by size, our sample includes well-known large corporations like IBM, CVS, and eBay, alongside smaller entities and local foundations.

Framework Adoption:

Most larger companies included in this review, particularly those with global operations, provided data complying with established reporting frameworks such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), and Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

39% of the companies, regardless of size, indicated which SDGs they were contributing to in their reports.

This suggests a growing alignment with global sustainability objectives across various organizational types and sizes.

B Corp Influence:

9.6% of the reports were from B Corps, which are required to publish public reports on their social and environmental performance.

The reports reviewed for our 2023 impact reporting landscape showcase the commitments of companies, both large and small, to transparency and accountability regarding their social, environmental, and sustainability efforts. Links to each of the reports we reviewed can be accessed here. Through creative design, diverse frameworks, and alignment with global goals, these reports demonstrate the multifaceted ways organizations are communicating their positive impact and driving progress on critical issues.

Inform Solutions provides outsourced creative services to companies pioneering innovative products and services. Our mission is to clearly communicate and amplify the impact of innovators while actively contributing to a better future for our planet and society. Learn more at